三硼酸锂晶体(LBO晶体)是斜方晶系,由连续的网状B3O7分子群组成,并有锂离子填充在分子间隙。B3O7分子群紧凑的结构使得LBO晶体难以包含任何杂质,均匀性好。近些年LBO晶体(Lithium triborate - LiB3O5)已经成为高功率激光器的不二选择。法国Cristal Laser公司生产各种尺寸LBO晶体,以满足各种高端需求。
Compact 21-W 2-um intracavity optical parametric oscillator
High-efficiency, multicrystal, single-pass,continuous-wave second harmonic generation
KTiOPO4 single nanocrystal for second-harmonic generation microscopy
Non-critically phase-matched cascaded THG at 440nm in KTiOP-AsO4 crystals
Characterization of large KTiOPO4 fLux grown crystals by synchrotron radiation topography
Repetition rate dependence of gray-tracking in KTiOPO4 druing second-harmonic generation at 532nm
Electron paramagnetic resonance and electron-nuclear double resonance study of trappped-hole centers in LiB3O5 crystal
Growth of high quality large size LBO crystals for high energy second harmonic generation
Intracavity testing of KTiOPO4 crystals for second-harmonic generation at 532nm
Relative sign and absolute magnitude of X2 coefficients of KTP by SHG measurements